Wednesday, September 03, 2008

My babies' trip to the DENTIST

we barely got home a few minutes ago. we went to Dr Hunanian for julian & james' destist appointment. our appointment was at 430 for james & 500 for julian but due to a little disorganization at the office, we were seen a little bit later than that. julian got a little bit freaked out by the big, bright lights and the big patient's chair at the clinic that the dentist did his routine check-up for him when julian was screaming his head off... i don't think he would've been able to get him to open up his mouth otherwise :) james got his x-rays & had a tooth extracted which he says went pretty well... they did the extraction quite faster than what we're accustomed to although he said that one of the injections that they gave him, the one aimed on top of his mouth was a killer -- it made his whole body tremble. julian actually got upset when his daddy was getting injection in preparation for the tooth extraction, he started weeping & trying to go to his daddy fearing that the dentist was hurting his dad. it was sweet... i had to take him out though as to not further traumatize him or something close to that.

the dentist i guess was just a little bit too much for julian -- no matter how much i tried to prepare him a few days ago by trying to look at his teeth and explaining to him that when we see the dentist, he will check if julian is taking care of his teeth good, for when we went out of the clinic into the waiting room, julian just fell right asleep into my arms...

james has to go back in 2 weeks time or so for a root canal & hopefully soon i can get my teeth laser cleaned -- i doubt it though since the dentist said that my teeth cleaning would cost like a whopping $1000. i would just rather save up to go home once allowed to & have my cousin who's a dentist clean my teeth - i'll get to see my family AND have my teeth cleaned AND for sure have some money to spare :)

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