Saturday, February 09, 2008

why i haven't been blogging...

it says in the blogger dashboard that my last post was dec 22... it's been awhile since i last made an entry. a lot has happened during the past month & a half and i guess that's even part of the reason why I HAVEN'T BEEN BLOGGING. i don't know if anyone can relate, but for sometime now i've been experiencing a dry spell in the spiritual aspect of my life. i feel as if i'm undergoing so much right now, not mostly good at that too & i just have that feeling of being alone at times. don't get me wrong, i know that i am still awfully more blessed because i have my loving husband, sweet baby, & my family & friends but still i feel ALONE... alone because i feel that right now God is somewhat NOT 'talking' to me... its like talking to someone and having that someone not pay attention to anything that you've been saying... i feel detached from HIM. i remember that a few weeks ago, i bawled like a baby after reading a part in a book that i was reading entitled God's Blogs. it's the part where it said, "I know your soul, and what makes you happy and sad" it's a very short statement but it just made me really sad, sad because i know HE knows everything & yet, still i hurt & still undergoing so much trials right now. and though i know that God doesn't give us trials which He knows we can't surpass, it really does not provide me much comfort still.

i hope this feeling ends soon... i hope that soon i'll be able to hear HIM talking to me again. won't you please, pray for me? (thanks) -- april