Monday, August 04, 2008

julian's 'toos'

i was reading my bestfriend honey's family blog yesterday about her daughter's recent obsession... her toos. at first i thought she was just like julian who a little while ago discovered that magic markers aren't just for paper alone but that you can have a lot more fun drawing on yourself :) honey was actually talking about andie's shoes... in our case though, julian's 'toos' are actually tattoos that he draws on his tummy & arms, and legs and so on... he draws his 'toos' with his magic markers -- it's good that i bought him washable markers... hehehe. about a few months ago, i was still oh so sleepy and julian happened to wake up way before we did. to my surprise, both my arms were covered with 'toos' too when i finally got to open my eyes :) he even tried to give me & him matching 'toos' on our right arms one time by using both blue markers and when his 'ady (james) came home, he did the same thing for him too... this time he both gave them green marker tattoos on their left arms... its a lot of fun watching him take interest in writing & drawing -- he keeps on darwing O's nowadays -- even if sometimes, mommy has to scrub the walls because his markers found its way through them while mommy's not looking...

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